
The QYm.nau-2D locus conferring wheat yellow mosaic virusresistance is an exotic introgression andwe developed 11 diagnostic markers tightly linked to QYm.nau-2D. Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) is a serious disease of winter wheat in China. Breeding resistant varieties is the most effectivestrategy for WYMV control. A WYMV resistant locus QYm.nau-2D on the chromosome arm 2DL has been repeatedly reported but the mappedregion is large. In the present study, we screened recombinants using a biparental population and mapped QYm.nau-2D into an 18.8Mbphysical interval.By genome-wide association studies of 372 wheat varieties for WYMV resistance in four environments, we narrowed down QYm.nau-2D into a 16.4Mbinterval. Haplotype analysis indicated QYm.nau-2D were present as six different states due to recombination during hybridization breeding. QYm.nau-2D was finally mapped into a linkage block of 11.2Mb. Chromosome painting using 2D specific probes and collinearity analysis among the published sequences corresponding to QYm.nau-2D region indicated the block was an exotic introgression. The Illumina-sequenced reads of four diploid Aegilops specieswere mapped to the sequence of Fielder, a variety having the introgression. The mapping reads were significantly increased at the putative introgression regions of Fielder. Ae. uniaristata (NN) had the highest mapping reads, suggesting that QYm.nau-2D was possibly an introgressionfrom genome N. We investigated the agronomic performances of different haplotypes and observed no linkage drag of the alien introgression for the 15 tested traits. For marker-assisted selection of QYm.nau-2D, we developed 11 diagnostic markers tightly linked to the locus. This research provided a case study of anexotic introgression, which has been utilized in wheat improvement for WYMV resistance.

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