
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the critical importance of resilient health systems capable of withstanding and responding to crises. Despite the unprecedented challenges faced globally, Sri Lanka's health system emerged as a success story, maintaining routine healthcare services amidst the pandemic while demonstrating resilience in the face of past crises such as civil war and natural disasters.Objective: To assess the current level of health system resilience and identify gaps for improvement.Methods: Using a customized evaluation tool from the World Health Organization, data was collected through literature review, questionnaires, and expert discussions.Results: The assessment focused on four dimensions: Leadership and Governance, Financing, Resources, and Service Delivery. Results revealed commendable resilience levels across these dimensions, with an overall score of 70%. Critical gaps were identified, including legislative shortcomings, information sharing deficiencies, and disparities in resource distribution.Conclusion: Despite its achievements, Sri Lanka's health system can further enhance resilience by addressing these gaps and pursuing continuous improvement.By prioritizing Universal Health Coverage and Sustainable Development Goals, Sri Lanka can solidify its position as a leader in healthcare resilience, ensuring the health and well-being of its population in the face of future challenges.

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