
Abstract This study was conducted on a golf course rough in Lincoln, NE. The turf (50% Kentucky bluegrass and 50% perennial rye) was maintained at a mowing height of 3.8 cm and thatch accumulation (finger compressed) in the plot area was 0.64 to 1.3 cm. Field conditions were: soil type, silty clay loam; soil organic matter, 3-5%; soil pH, 6.0 to 7.0; water pH, 7.0; soil moisture, near field capacity. Plots were 1.5 x 1.5 m, and the experimental design was a RCB with 5 replications. Insecticide treatments were applied 28 May and 29 Jul. Triumph was applied with a CO2 sprayer using a LF-4 nozzle at 165.6 KPa and 18.9 liter/93 m2 and the NTN 33893 0.62G was applied with a precalibrated Gandy 30H12 spreader. Immediately following applications the test area was irrigated with approximately 1.3 cm of water. Product efficacy was evaluated 26 Aug (28 days following the last application) by removing from each plot six 20.3 diam turf-soil cores (0.19 m2 total area) to a depth of 7.6 cm and counting the number of surviving grubs.

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