
The present work was carried out to evaluate the spray quality produced by two hydraulic ground sprayers using rates of application 113 and 147 L/fed , respectively. Three insecticides were used Acetamiprid 20% SP. , using a dose rate of 25 gm /100 L. water, neutral Potassium detergent at a dose rate ½ kg / 100 L. water and plant extract Saponins solution at a dose rate one liter / 30 L. water against green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) on Peach orchard. Data showed that droplet sizes induced by Matabi sprayer with manual pump were bigger than motorized Solo sprayer , however, more coverage homogeneity was obtained by Solo sprayer with a motor pump. Data, showed also that, spray coverage of upper and middle levels of Peach trees in all treatments reached homogeneity factor 2.5 for hydraulic nozzles according to FAO , but the lower levels of Peach trees which revealed not homogenous spray. The rate of Performance (fed / day) for Solo sprayer was 5 fed. / day, while was 3 fed./ day in case of Matabi sprayer. Bioassay results indicated that all tested compounds induced negative significant influence on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) nymphs survival. Saponins gave promising results in controlling Myzus persiace nymphs on Peach trees with least hazard to emergence rate of natural enemy Parasitoid Aphidius matricariae (Haliday) larvae, while Acetamiprid gave the highest reduction in both of Myzus persicae and Aphidius matricariae larvae in case of two sprayers. Data also showed that replacement spray application form high volume spraying to low volume spraying (L/fed); decreases the total operating cost/fed / L. E. , saving spraying time i. e. the rate of performance of low volume equipment increases, and suitable spray coverage was obtained

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