
Higher education institutions (HEIs) in India were caught completely unawares by the Covid-19 pandemic and necessitated lockdown. Despite almost two decades of experimentation with online and distance learning by top-tier and private institutions, the vast majority were unprepared and looked for standalone solutions for different components of teaching and learning. Valuable lessons have been learned based on which a more comprehensive solution must be sought for the post-Covid-19 environment. The lockdown has provided the much-needed impetus to reshape higher education in India. Calls for the adoption of blended learning (BL) have been made on prior occasions; this chapter renews that call and stresses its urgency. It is imperative that educational institutions amplify the momentum gained during the lockdown and transition to a BL model supported by the adoption and use of learning management systems (LMSs). Government should support this initiative by providing a centralized LMS. Corporations must “adopt an HEI,” channeling their unused corporate social responsibility funds to support information and communication technology needs at educational institutions. All stakeholders must work together to transform the country to a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy as envisioned in the National Education Policy 2020.

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