
Chinese traditional culture is rooted in the soil of the Chinese nation, created by ancestors and improved and evolved from generation to generation by the Chinese nation. The cultural background has a long history and profound cultural connotations. Chinese classical music carries the shining wisdom of excellent traditional Chinese culture and is the spiritual fruit of the integration of Chinese philosophical consciousness and artistic image. Chinese classical music culture is not an unchanging text, occurring in a historical context, but always open to the inheritors of traditional culture. Traditional music culture is an inseparable part of the traditional cultural system, which includes the beauty of traditional Chinese music and is an artistic crystallization that fully reflects the level of classical Chinese music art. In the process of development and inheritance of Chinese classical music, the adaptability to philosophical hermeneutics is reflected at multiple levels, which are respectively reflected in the context, inter subjectivity and horizon integration in the process of inheritance. Chinese classical music has the value of cultivating students' temperament in the education of excellent traditional Chinese culture, making it an inheritor of Chinese cultural emotional experience. This article mainly studies the traditional philosophical ideas in the creation of Chinese classical music.

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