
In the history of human social development, every great social change was completed under the guidance of social development theory. Marx's important theoretical summary of social development based on historical materialism is a scientific theoretical system. With the deepening of social and economic system reform, the importance of social security system construction in China's social construction has become increasingly prominent. Due to the demand of real life, people have made more in-depth research on the theory of all-round development of human beings in Marxism. Marx's thought of all-round development of human beings attaches importance to the all-round development of human beings, which is not only the necessary process for human society to move towards the advanced stage, but also the ultimate goal of human development. In the discussion of the current value and significance of Marx's thought on the subject of social development, this paper objectively and dialectically affirms that when Marx opposed and revised some western trends of thought, it accurately pointed out that some western scholars had an objective and one-sided understanding of human beings, and pointed out that we should focus on the development of most people, not just on individual development, so that the fruits of social development can be enjoyed by most people, The view of achieving fair and harmonious development between people.

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