
In the era of big data, college students use network learning has become an inevitable trend, students can obtain all kinds of knowledge they need through their own choice, so the driving force of students' learning has become an important factor whether students can obtain knowledge. How to improve learning motivation has always been a concern of people in society, and college students as a special group of students in the learning motivation have a certain complexity, they do not have a unified goal like middle school students, college students often face a variety of future road choices. This paper analyzes the problems existing in college students' learning motivation and holds that the factors affecting students' learning motivation include personal psychological mechanisms, such as attribution error, low sense of accomplishment, and low sense of self-efficacy. In addition, school teachers' education level is poor, teaching curriculum is unreasonable, family education is not paid enough attention to, etc. Based on this, this paper proposes that freshman education should be carried out in time, parents' educational concepts should be changed, the school curriculum system should be updated, and individuals should learn to use the Internet.

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