
Special education is a key indicator to measure the civilization degree of a country or region. As an indispensable financial resource for the development of special education, education funds are the direct factor that restricts the scale and quality of special education. According to the survey, the lack of funds for running schools has become the biggest problem that plagues the development of special education schools and the work of principals. Based on this, this paper studies the influencing factors of funding sources of special education schools. This paper mainly analyzes the sources of education funds for special schools and summarizes their expenditures. At the same time, this paper studies the development status of special education schools and finds that the main problems are: the number of school teachers is insufficient and their quality is low; Backward teaching equipment and lack of rehabilitation facilities; Single source of funds, unreasonable expenditure; Lack of innovative atmosphere, lack of innovative resources, etc. Accordingly, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions: increase financial input, expand funding sources, encourage and guide social forces to set up special education schools, reform the distribution mechanism of education funds among regions, improve the efficiency of fund use and strengthen supervision. In order to better promote the further development of special education schools.

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