
In accordance with the double carbon target proposed in 2020: to achieve "carbon peak" by 2030 and "carbon neutrality" by 2060. The background of this research is how to optimize the industrial structure and guide low-carbon consumption through energy production and consumption restructuring. In the post-epidemic era, a series of changes in people's consumption concepts and behaviour have taken place, which made positive or negative impacts on low-carbon consumption. The research focus here is to adopt the survey analysis method, collecting primary analysis data through data collection, questionnaires, and interviews. This paper focuses on the validation and practice of this research method. Researches have found that the current direct energy consumption behaviours of residents concentrated in the household scenario and the travel scenario. The low-carbon nature of these scenarios is influenced by two main decisions: the choice of consumption mode at the first consumption stage and the choice of consumption mode at the ongoing consumption stage. The factors that influence these decisions vary from stage to stage, and different strategies can help guide residents' low-carbon consumption behaviour.

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