
Low-carbon consumption is an inevitable choice in the development of a low-carbon economy. Based on analysis of the attitude-formation process, a study of the individual key consumption conditions from the cognitive process, to the affective process and to final behavioral choice tendency was carried out. A new theoretical model of the realization process of low-carbon consumption was constructed and an empirical study followed. The results show that the functional consumption value and the economical consumption value have significant influences on low-carbon consumption cognition. The social consumption value significantly influences the preference for low-carbon consumption preferences to others and low-carbon consumption behavioral tendency. Environmental cognition and cognition of low-carbon consumption significance impact low-carbon consumption preference to selves significantly, and low-carbon consumption preference to others has a significant influence on low-carbon consumption behavioral tendency. Environmental cognition and low-carbon consumption preference to selves negatively impact individual consciousness consumption behavior, while environmental cognition, cognition of low-carbon consumption, low-carbon consumption preference to others and low-carbon consumption behavioral tendency positively impact social consciousness consumption behavior. The negative moderated effects of social consumption culture on low-carbon consumption preference to selves and low-carbon consumption behavioral tendency, low-carbon consumption behavioral tendency and individual consciousness consumption behavior are significant. After discussion of the research results, strategies to promote individual low-carbon consumption behavior are proposed.

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