
The Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism holds that the world is an organic whole with universal connections, and everything is interconnected with its surroundings. Therefore, problems should be viewed from the perspective of interconnectedness. This principle also applies to the study of humanities, where different disciplines interact and should not be confined to one specific field. This paper is grounded in the Marxist philosophy of interconnectedness and employs interdisciplinary research methods, drawing from disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, and linguistics, to analyze and discuss the educational value of animation, exploring how animation positively influences the mind and body of individuals. Considering the characteristics of contemporary society, the paper examines the path to realizing the educational value of animation through an analysis of outstanding domestic animation works from the perspectives of cultural content, artistic aesthetics, digital technology, and more. This research aims to better utilize the educational potential of animation, fostering well-rounded socialist builders and successors who excel in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. Furthermore, it promotes the preservation and innovation of Chinese animation culture, encouraging it to stay true to its roots, absorb external influences, face the future, and contribute to the inheritance and innovation of our culture while facilitating the global expansion of outstanding Chinese culture.

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