
Dropping out of school remains a complex and multidimensional phenomenon because of the multitude of factors involved in its study. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the various factors that may be involved in the study of school dropout (focus on African context). The definitions of this concept vary from one country to another in view of these realities. In addition, the factors listed have been divided into three main dimensions, starting with individual factors, i.e., those specific to the child, and family factors, which correspond to the child's family environment and the role of parents in the child's schooling. And finally, factors specific to the school environment (teacher-principal relations, principal's leadership, infrastructure, etc.). The indicators of dropout can be grouped into six points: lack of investment in learning, negative representation of the school, academic arrhythmia, learning difficulties, and poor academic performance, and refusal of school status outside of school.

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