
This study is about a profound exploration of the multifaceted world of Qissas about Hz. Ali within Turkic culture. We seek to untangle the intricate threads of history, language, and spirituality that have interwoven over centuries, shedding light on the enduring resonance of Hz. Ali's legacy within the Turkic world. These narratives stand as repositories of cultural identity and moral guidance, encapsulating the essence of Turkic peoples' connection to their faith and heritage. The scholars of Turkic literature have diligently safeguarded the connection between "janknames" and Hz. Ali, catalyzing a significant transformation in the Turkic worldview. Since the 13th-14th centuries, these narratives have played a pivotal role in Turkic literature, adapting and enduring through generations while retaining their cultural and spiritual significance. "Janknames," deeply rooted in Turkic epics, hold a prominent position in the literary traditions of Turkic-speaking communities, notably among the Azerbaijani, Uzbek, and Turkmen peoples, leaving behind a lasting legacy. In the latter half of the 19th century, Kazakh poets and songwriters turned their attention to this narrative tradition, contributing previously undiscovered works and preserving a rich folklore heritage. This intricate and enduring narrative tapestry bears witness to the profound cultural and spiritual significance of Hz. Ali's legacy within Turkic culture, highlighting its enduring influence on the collective consciousness of Turkic-speaking communities across time and space. Keywords: Destan, Jankname, Hz.Ali, Salsal.

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