Based on the conversion between RGB color space and HSI color space, combined with the relevant knowledge of optimization problems, this paper reasonably solved the color selection problem of mosaic tiles.Firstly, this paper establishes a color selection model based on his color space. Based on the conversion relationship between RGB color space and HSI color space, the original RGB parameters in the topic are converted into HSI parameters which are more suitable for calculation. The color difference is used to quantify the similarity between different colors, and a more reasonable formula for calculating color difference is determined to improve the accuracy of color selection results. Finally, the color difference between the original color and each existing tile color is compared, and the tile color with the smallest color difference is determined as the color selection result.Next, because this problem is about the optimal solution of the whole color difference value, it is nonlinear and has a large solution space. In this paper, a heuristic global search algorithm based on swarm intelligence, Particle Swarm Optimization, is adopted to gradually approach the global optimum by updating the individual optimal solution and global optimal solution of particles. When searching for the global optimal solution, it is easy to fall into the trap of local optimal solution, and the PSO algorithm used in this paper can take many measures to avoid it. By continuously debugging the size of population size, iteration times and learning factors, the optimal solution for developing new colors is finally obtained.In this paper, when considering the similarity between different colors and the follow-up problems, the HIS color space model is used reasonably, which greatly improves the accuracy of color selection results.
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