
The problem of aging has become an important issue in today’s society. It is the social responsibility of scholars to study into it. The purpose of this study is to find out elderly’s Kansei needs based on the living conditions of different regions in China. Through an investigation of the living habits of the elderly over 80 years old, the requirements of the design of the elderly products are analyzed. According to the analysis of the connotation and extension of the elderly living habits, the preferred Kansei image is sought, and corresponding design elements are extracted. A system that derives the preferred Kansei image with appropriate design elements is established. In this paper, Kansei Engineering research method is used to investigate the visual, auditory, perceptual and behavioral responses of the elderly and then establish a Kansei Engineering Forwarding System with Kansei adjectives database, design element data base and corresponding logical deduction rules. First, we studied the awareness, personality, aesthetics, diversity, happiness and comfort feelings of the elderly. Followed by interviews and questionnaire surveys to acquire elderly’s physiological and psychological characteristics, lifestyle and use environment of daily products. Then an experiment was carried out to measure elderly’s Kansei preference and to identify the corresponding design elements. Finally, a Kansei Engineering System for new design patterns in line with the elderly’s Kansei preference is established. And the product design and development for the elderly can be carried out with the system. According to the research results, the above-mentioned forward Kansei Engineering System that transforms Kansei image into specific design elements to enhance the experience of the products pays more attention to the Kansei preference of elderly users while pursuing product quality. Hopefully, the elderly people can feel the Kansei value of the design and lead a creative life.

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