
AbstractObjective: In course of trying to integrate into social and cultural exchanges, people with disabilities face the problems during museum travel will not be the accessibility issue of the building environment, but the barriers in disabled people’s communication and interaction with other actors in the exhibition environment. Method: The literature results of disabled people’s barrier-free travel and museum barrier-free design are summarized. From the perspective of Actor-Network Theory, human and non-human actors are involved in the design network, thus playing an equal and unbiased stabilizing role throughout the barrier-free wheelchair travel system. Conclusion: Investigation and analysis are conducted on the research of museum information barrier-free access; the relevant capital and interest needs of the patients with lower limb disabilities in cultural education and independent travel involved in this study are clarified. Moreover, based thereon, a translation network that is equally driven by disabled people and other actors is constructed.KeywordsHuman factorsActor-NetworkInteraction barrier-free

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