
Tea is the national drink of the Chinese nation. It combines the thoughts of various Chinese schools and has experienced the changes and baptism of successive dynasties and has been spread to this day. It is difficult to achieve the inheritance of tea culture by relying on ordinary display methods. In order to better display the digital effect of the nonlinear system model of the tea space in the Song Dynasty, using digital display, we can design the layout of the tea space in the Song Dynasty through video, audio, and dynamic pictures, which plays an important role in the inheritance of tea culture. This study analyzes the tea drinking space and tea culture and spreads the historical and cultural value of digital display; by comparing the comprehensive performance analysis and cultural extension results under different displays, as well as the desire for knowledge of history and culture, we can make an in-depth exploration. Through the statistical data information, we can conclude that under the function of digital technology, advanced science and technology and digital technology have a good effect in cultural inheritance, they can better promote the spirit of history and culture, and make the torch of history and culture live and pass on from generation to generation.

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