
In the course of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain system in the actual operation,the disrupt event is inevitable,the closed-loop supply chain system how to coordinate events effectively become a hotspot of research.At present,revenue-sharing contract as a coordination mechanism is used widely,and it more to achieve the various members of the closed-loop supply chain profit sharing and risk sharing.Therefore,revenue-sharing contract to coordinate response to disrupt events is considered.To study a closed-loop supply chain system with single manufacturer and single retailer is established under the demand is unlinear function.When market scale,reproduction cost and collection cost are disrupted simultaneously,a Stackelberg game model is established.The optimal strategies of closed-loop supply chain under the centralized decision and decentralized decision are analyzed.Research result showed that the closed-loop supply chain coordination may be broken off by original revenue-sharing contract under a disruption event.The market disruptions exceeded a certain range when disruption even was happened,the original production plan is adjusted and the new revenue-sharing contract should be designed to coordinate the closed-loop supply chain.Finally,a numerical example is given to the conclusions efficiency.

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