
In this paper, based on Marxism social security theory, the author creatively advances that in China value of labour-power consists of the endowments for the labourer and part of endowments for his or her parents, considering China’s conditions. By this way, the author integrates traditional individual, family, collectivity, and state endowments into a complex endowment mode, namely the target mode of this paper. This mode includes social endowment insurance system and community-and-family support system. The former mainly offers endowment insurance, and the later mainly life services and spiritual cares for seniors. The social endowment insurance system includes primary pension, social pension, and family planning pension for farmers. The management of rural social endowment insurance premium is similar to that of civil social endowment insurance. Considering the great difference of local economy and society in China, community-and-family support system is various in different regions. The family planning pension is to relieve the potential negative effects of certain institutions designed in this paper on the family planning policy.


  • Work, etc., in short, for what is included under so-called official poor relief today. (Karl Marx, 1966, p11-12)” the first deduction from the total social product described by Marx is the first distribution of national income today

  • In contradistinction to the case of other commodities, there enters into the determination of the value of labor-power a historical and moral element. (Karl Marx, 2004, p198)” Considering Chinese respect-for-the-old tradition, in China the value of labor-power should include the value of subsistence necessary for the maintenance of the laborer’s parents, which establishes a sound economic and institutional foundation for popularizing Chinese traditional culture

  • After satisfying the primary needs, “the satisfied primary needs, the needs-satisfying activities, and acquired needs-satisfying tools will arouse new needs. (Karl Marx & Frederick Engels, 1972, p32)” Engels points out: “Marx finds out the law of human history development, namely a simple fact that has been covered by various ideologies for a long time: first of all, people have to eat, drink, live, and dress, they are engaged in politics, science, arts, and religions. (Karl Marx & Frederick Engels, 1972, p574)”

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Characters of social endowment insurance mode

There are three kinds of social endowment insurance modes: ķ Common pension mode. The income-associated social endowment insurance mode realizes a redistribution of national income among different generations and income groups by special technological mechanism It makes an income transfer happen from high-income class to low-income class, which helps to achieve an income redistribution between the rich and the poor, the industrial laborers and the agricultural laborers in the endowment insurance system, shortening the social security distance between different interests groups. Employers can pay a spot of insurance premiums for employees, what is not an obligation of employers regulated by government; insurance funds are operated in a commercial way, and government provides with guaranty of environment for system operation This mode eliminates government’s responsibility for rural endowment security system, improving citizens’ consciousness of self security, and liberating the government from heavy economic burden. During an economic fluctuation period, it fails to ensure stable economic development and social stability This mode can not benefit some non-income people or low-income laborers because of no savings

Characters of family support mode
Characters of community-and-family support mode
Security layers ķ Farmers’ primary pension
Security level
Origins of security resources
Management mode
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