
In 2015, the UN Member States took 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Innovative development and environmental protection played a significant role in them. The solution to this problem directly depends on the environmental programs adopted at the state level, competent management, development of environmental innovations and their introduction. This article considers how sustainable development programs at the oil and gas enterprises are implemented to preserve the environment on the example of PJSC Gazprom. PJSC Gazprom, following the principles of sustainable development, combines economic growth and environment preservation. In 1995, PJSC Gazprom adopted an ecological program and gradually solves the environmental problems of the corporation, country and the world. Therefore, the study of some indicators of oil and gas enterprises affecting Russian environmental ecology, on the example of Gazprom Corporation, is relevant. The proceedings of Russian and foreign scientists were analyzed; UNDP’s annual and environmental reports for 2018-2022 were studied; leading Russian oil and gas companies for 2009-2021 and their environmental activities were analyzed to conduct the study. The calculations were carried out using Rosstat (2009-2021), World Bank (2009-2021), PJSC Gazprom (2009-2021). The regression analysis and econometric modeling were carried out through MS Excel and Eviews 12. The linear and exponential models of the innovative component in the environmental protection system were built and studied. It was proved the linear model can be used to build short-term forecasts, while the exponential model turned out to be untenable. PJSC Gazprom invested 658,284 billion rubles in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, 139,1 billion rubles in RD from 2009 to 2021. In 2021, PJSC Gazprom fulfilled all of its innovative and environmental objectives and approved Environmental Program until 2024 with an outlook for 2030. The company’s contribution to the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals and objectives amounted to 89,9 %.

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