Infection of pigs caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is present throughout the world. The aim of this study was to determine, based on the follow-up of the class IgG titers in piglets and fattening pigs, the duration of colostral immunity against infections in pigs caused by PCV2. The study included 28 piglets, whose titer was determined by using indirect ELISA test in intervals up to 110 days of age. The observed average values of IgG in piglets aged 21 days (8.47 log2) and 35 days (6.69 log2) in our surveys indicate very high titers of maternal antibodies, and that the piglets at this age are, to some extent, protected from infection caused by PCV2. Absence of the specific anti PCV2 antibodies was determined in 14.29% (21 days old) and 15.38% (35 days old) piglets at this age. The average titer of antibodies, specific for PCV2, in blood serum of piglets on the 50th day decreased to 3.74 log2, what indicates that in the majority of piglets (61.54%) catabolism of colostral antibodies occurred. On the 80th day of the piglets life there were no seropositive specimens, which unambiguously indicates that in this age, there was a complete catabolism of colostral antibodies and the disappearance of passive immunity. In all the 110 days? old fattening pigs, an average antibody titer recorded a sharp rise (12.78 log2). Possible reasons for this sudden increase in PCV2 antibody titers in the blood serum of fattening pigs is is a widespread presence of this infection in our region, as well as the fact that there exists a part of pigs population which is not immune to PCV2 infection. The results of this research are important for choosing the optimal moment for vaccination, considering that high titers of colostral antibodies of class G on the 21st and 35th day of piglets? life have been proven. This data points out to a possible interference with vaccine immunogens in the case of vaccination in this particular age.
Vet. glasnik 68 (1-2) 67 - 76 (2014) Stevančević O. i sar.: Ispitivanje imunološkog odgovora kod nevakcinisane prasadi protiv porcine circovirus type 2 prostorima, kao i postojanje neimune populacije svinja na infekciju uzročnikom PCV2
Veće interesovanje za cirkovirusne infekcije počelo je nakon pojave sindroma multisistemskog slabljenja prasadi nakon zalučenja (Post Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome – PMWS) u Kanadi 1991. godine, a retrospektivna istraživanja su pokazala njihovo prisustvo krajem šezdesetih godina (Allan i sar., 1995)
Za razliku od prethodnog perioda u kojem nije utvrđeno prisustvo antitela specifičnih za PCV2, u ovom periodu utvrđene su izuzetno visoke vrednosti titra kod svih ispitivanih svinja, odnosno kod svih svinja došlo je do serokonverzije
Vet. glasnik 68 (1-2) 67 - 76 (2014) Stevančević O. i sar.: Ispitivanje imunološkog odgovora kod nevakcinisane prasadi protiv porcine circovirus type 2 prostorima, kao i postojanje neimune populacije svinja na infekciju uzročnikom PCV2. Može se konstatovati da je prosečan titar antitela specifičnih za PCV2 u krvnom serumu prasadi starosti 21 dan iznosio [8,47]. Učestalost pojedinačnih vrednosti za nivo antitela u krvnom serumu prasadi starih 21 dan
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