
The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the development of the global fuel and energy complex with the identification of features and key areas that determine the nearest policy in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement. The materials analyze the dynamics of changes in demand for consumption of various types of energy resources, changes in the structure of the world energy balance, emphasizing the continuing low level of energy efficiency in many countries of the world. Taking into account the significant amount of investments in renewable energy development technologies, the high growth rates of installed capacity of power plants operating on renewable energy sources over the past decade, as well as the high rates of global growth in demand for electricity consumption, one of the key areas in improving the efficiency of the global fuel and energy complex will be the use of distributed generation, including among those operating on the basis of renewable energy sources. Integration of technologies of small distributed generation with modern technologies of energy consumption management at the level of final consumption, such as management, demand for electricity and natural gas consumption and the formation of active energy complexes on the basis of industrial enterprises, will be full-fledged participants in the circulation of energy resources in Unified energy systems and Unified gas supply systems of the future.

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