
Production of construction materials causes serious damage to environment. On the other hand, this industry in big scales and with big effect uses waste of other industries that promotes improvement of an ecological situation. The advanced entities build the activities according to standards of the ISO 14000 and theEco-ManagementandAuditScheme (EMAS) series, implement the principles of ecological management. But process goes slowly. As objective obstacles the financial barrier (expenses), ignorance of effects to environment (unhealthy work conditions degree) and what operations need to be performed (to undertake) act. The main difficulty of the problem resolution of ecological production is the person, its values and motives, his consciousness and behavior. Results of research of ecological motivation of future specialists and heads of the entities on production and application of construction materials are given in article. The determining role of mentality and ecological consciousness at slow rates of implementation in production of eco-efficient technologies is proved.


  • Objective threat of survival of mankind forces to build processes of interaction of society and the nature by the principles of mutual adaptation

  • Students from Experts group are inclined to connect more the future professional activity with natural factors, than Leaders group. It partly confirms the statement pushed earlier about shortcomings of system of ecological attitude of heads of the entities on production of the construction materials which are a barrier to implementation of eco-efficient technologies

  • Change of the existing behavior is possible through provision to people of thematic information and the appeal to personal values

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Objective threat of survival of mankind forces to build processes of interaction of society and the nature by the principles of mutual adaptation. For more widespread introduction in Russia of eco-efficient production of construction materials it is necessary to use the controlling mechanism behavior of accounting entities, to develop at them motivation on emission restriction, to stimulate use of "net" technologies. It is possible only in case of prevalence of spiritual and moral values over material (aggressive consumer) motivation, following to the principles of eco-justice which are shown in understanding by a management of the entity of moral responsibility for negative impact on environment and irrational use of natural resources [9]. People exaggerate value of negative impact of technical progress on the nature Environment protection is so important that no restrictions for emission of pollution can be considered as too rigid The environmental disasters happening on the planet concern me personally It is necessary to improve habitat, without being considered with any expenses "The person – the owner of the nature"

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