
According to the results of the conducted, experimental researches empirical dependences of crack formation and width of opening of normal and inclined cracks of inseparable double-span reinforced concrete beams. A reliable quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact of structural factors, as well as external factors on the crack resistance of inseparable elements, both separately and in interaction with each other. An improved deformation method (implemented in the PC MATLAB) for calculating the crack resistance of reinforced concrete elements. Based on the comparative analysis of the obtained empirical dependences and calculated values according to normative methods: DSTU B B.2.6-156: 2010 (Ukraine), previously acting SNiP 2.03.01-84 *, SR 63.13330.2012 (SET OF RULES, actualized) Russian standard, as well as the deformation model of Scientific Research Institute of Building Constructions (SRIBC), town of Kyiv, the coefficient of variation of crack resistance and width of opening of normal and inclined cracks is determined. The comparative analysis is carried out and informative graphic drawings are presented.

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