
We propose the continuation of the research under this grant. We propose to extend the search for signatures of new physics'' to new processes. In particular, we want to investigate extensions of the search to hadronic reactions. The appearance of anomalous terms in the matrix elements of SU(3){sub color} currents, indicating the presence of new physics'' in the quark sector of the Standard Model, can be studied by following the jet evolution and hadronization. The effect is expected to be rather large in top quark initial state gluon Bremsstrahlung, thus colliders are a good testing ground for the presence of new physics'' even at Tevatron energies. We continue the study of astro-particle physics. We propose to investigate further the structure of extensive air showers associated with point sources in the sky. We propose to study neutrino production in the Milky Way: this will enable us both to estimate the background of neutrino telescopes and to search for the presence of baryonic dark matter in the galactic halo.

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