
"Weeds mapping aims to know the segetal floristic spectrum from the point of view of the degree of weed infestation and the frequency of weeds in each crop. Cereals crops are yearly infested by dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds species, annual and perennial, some of them being very harmful, difficult to control and known as dominant weeds or problem weeds. Research carried out in Constanța county, Agigea and Runcu villages, during 2020-2021 years, was concerned with segetal flora assessment. The main purposes considered were: the study of the issues related to the floristic composition, the dynamics of the degree of weed infestation, the identification of the dominant species, the establishment of the most effective herbicide treatments and of the optimal times of application. The analysis of the obtained data reveals that the problem weeds with a density >10 plants/m2 identified in the wheat and barley crops in Agigea were: Veronica species, Papaver rhoeas, Chenopodium album, Polygonum convolvulus and Fumaria officinalis. The dominant weed species in wheat and barley crops of Runcu were: C. album, Convolvulus arvensis, Stellaria media, Equisetum arvense and Cannabis ruderalis. Although the dicotyledonous species prevail in both studied places, the weed control strategy is different because the target species against which control measures must be applied are different and consequently the range of herbicides will also be different. The results obtained fully justify the weed mapping action because it is a tool that offers the farmer the exact perception regarding the degree of weed infestation in the studied areas. Mapping thus becomes a very useful work for weed control practice."

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