
Overcoming of regional disproportions is connected with the concept of balance regional development. The characteristics and forms of disproportional regional development are investigated. Their importance for public policy is determined, it is oriented towards balanced regional development, it is emphasized that the role of regional administrations in management development of region. The dynamics to minimize regional differences or to eliminate its leads to a balanced state, and the tendency towards the development of regional differences deepens, broadens the unbalanced state of the region. Inconsistencies of an economic nature are due to differences in the quantity or quality of regional problems. Regional imbalances are a threat to the growth and strengthening of the country's economy. The definition and measurement of regional imbalances is a prerequisite for the use of economic and political tools that can help to minimize regional differences or eliminate its. Growing regional disparities require rapid further economic reforms and an obstacle to Ukraine's future economic growth. Regional disproportions lead to regional tensions, which can lead to popular discontent. Thus, in order to reduce regional disparities in the country, it is necessary to strengthen administrative management in disproportionate areas, to strengthen regional authorities. Further research needs a functional relationship between regional imbalances and national economic indicators. For the Black Sea region, one of the main reasons for the creation of a system for locating and evaluating regional differences is a system for locating regional differences approved by the Ukrainian government within the framework of the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period up to 2020.


  • Overcoming of regional disproportions is connected with the concept of balance regional development

  • The characteristics and forms of disproportional regional development are investigated. Their importance for public policy is determined, it is oriented towards balanced regional development, it is emphasized that the role of regional administrations in management development of region

  • The definition and measurement of regional imbalances is a prerequisite for the use of economic and political tools that can help to minimize regional differences or eliminate its

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Подолання регіональних диспропорцій пов’язується з поняттям збалансованого регіонального розвитку. Досліджуються характеристики та форми диспропорцій регіонального розвитку. Визначається їх значення для державної політики, орієнтованої на збалансований регіональний розвиток, акцентується на необхідності посилення ролі регіональних адміністрацій в управлінні розвитком регіону. Ключові слова: регіон, регіональний розвиток, диспропорції регіонального розвитку, державна політика, адміністративний суб’єкт, регіональна адміністрація

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