
The role of intangible values increases in the modern information society: knowledge, information, reputation and other intangible objects are capable to provide a competitive advantage of individual companies and states in general. The share of intangible capital in the structure of national wealth of the majority of developed countries increases. In our opinion, in the modern economic science there are no accurate criteria differentiating such categories as intangible heritage, intangible national wealth and intangible property that leads to the mix of concepts and complicates the definition of mechanisms which increase the intangible capital at the state level. One of the objectives of our research is differentiation of categories of intangible national wealth, intangible property, intangible heritage and identification of intangible objects, which they include. A large number of modern researches are devoted to the topic of reputation, scientists agree that this intangible resource has a great impact on competitiveness and efficiency of economic activity. However reputation isn't considered on a macrolevel, its influence on the activities of regions or country is not studied, questions of studying of the essence of reputation and factors influencing it at the macrolevel became the second problem of our research. The objective of this research is the study of reputation as a part of intangible wealth, heritage and property and identification of the factors which can be considered as a source of the increase in these intangible assets. Statement and proof of working hypotheses were carried out on the basis of methods of classification, analysis, synthesis, standardized analytical approach and analogy. As a result the reputation is considered to be the phenomenon with multiple aspects, which is subject to numerous factors such as actions and events in the region, social, economic, political and legal status of the region and etc. The analysis of reputation of the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out. It is defined that the improvement of reputation of the country and region increases the intangible national wealth, intangible property and intangible heritage.

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