
Exploring the reproductive performance one of the giant clam species being cultured in Indonesia. The fluted clams (Tridacna squamosa) are a keystone species for Indonesia’s marineculture and restocking program, categorized as a protected commodities by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) due to anthropogenic pressure on wild population. To assess and improve their reproductive performance, induction of different serotonin was applied consisting of control (0 mM), T1 (1.1 mM), T2 (1.4 mM), and T3 (1.7 mM). New significant insights emerge, results indicate response’s time of pre-spawning T1 and T2 were approximately 45 s, while T3 was 60 s, respectively T2 is highest spawning success at 91.67%, contrasting with 50% by T3, also spawning latency varied, with the quickest gamete release (3 min) by T2, on the contrary T3 (4 min). Observed eggs released at approximately 24 min (T2), 84 min (T1) with an egg diameter of 128.72±1.56 μm yet absent in T3. Polynomial regression of fecundity from differential dosing approach attained an R² = 0.3885, highlights an optimal 1.36 mM dosage for maximizing spawning performance, indicating T2 as an adequate dose with moderate egg abnormalities 8.7% and. FR, HR, and SR ranged from to 70-80% respectively.

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