
Since 1 April 1998, the international trade in Acipenseriformes (25 species of sturgeon and 2 paddlefish) is monitored and controlled under CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). CITES trade data for 1998 suggest that the international trade in caviar is substantial, totalling 275 tonnes, and dominated by a few nations: 95% of the caviar is exported and imported by less than 20 countries. The 1998 world exports, as reported by CITES Parties, also included 44.6 tonnes of sturgeon meat and 0.5 million live specimens (juveniles and fertilised eggs) of sturgeon and paddlefish. Data analysis and consultation with relevant authorities and traders indicate that CITES listing of all Acipenseriformes has resulted in better monitoring and control of the international trade of these species. Range states were recommended to establish annual export quotas for specimens and products of Acipenseriformes, but the scientific bases for setting these quotas are often unclear and would benefit from verification by independent experts. This mechanism was initiated following the decision adopted in April 2000 of incorporating Acipenseriformes in the Significant Trade Review of CITES. Primary results concluded that for six species (Acipenser gueldenstaedti, A. nudiventris, A. schrencki, A. stellatus, Huso huso and H. dauricus) the provisions of CITES were not implemented properly by range States and international trade may therefore be detrimental to the survival of wild populations. Under the Significant Trade Review CITES has the capacity to influence the conservation strategy implemented by exporting countries that are Parties to the Convention. It is an on-going process that will continue as long as the CITES forum considers that ranges States do not comply with CITES provisions.

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