
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC is a novel tree species native to the Asian Subcontinent. It is an economically significant tree for its value in forestry, agroforestry, and horticulture. The distinction of this tree lies in its botanical features, geographical distribution, and ecological importance. It is a thermophilus, deciduous, broad, leaved, woody, and nitrogen-fixing tree. The reproductive characters hold great importance in trees’ systematic study since the Linnaeus taxonomy classification system’s confirmation. The information on plant taxonomy helps validate the role of reproductive biology and botanical characters. Taxonomy plays a significant role in the conservation and categorization of species into groups possessing similar characteristics. The botanical characters describe plants’ natural behavior in their growing environment, ecology, and geographical zones. However, DNA barcoding, a novelistic approach for species identification, uses plant barcodes recommended by CBOL in Dalbergia sissoo. Hence, this chapter designates focusing on bioecology, taxonomy, evolutionary lineage, botany, ecological. and economical Dalbergia sissoo usage.

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