
Representations of the society about the use of hormonal drugs for protection from unwanted pregnancy have the features of a deeply rooted behavioral and social stigmatization. Myths and superstitions are serious an obstacle to the successful use of contraception in general and hormonal contraception in particular. The level of contraceptive literacy of students medical universities can be considered as an indicator of awareness students as a whole and is a guarantee of correct reproductive behavior of medical students. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of knowledge of medical students and their attitudes towards modern methods of contraception, including hormonal drugs. Materials and methods. The analysis of questionnaires 117 students of the IV and VI courses of medical-prophylactic and pediatric faculties of Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ekaterinburg. The questionnaire included 25 questions. The average age of the respondents was 22.6±0.7 years. 1st group consisted of 86 girls, the 2nd group of 31 boys. Results. 74.2% of girls and 89.5% of boys dream of creating a family, but 6.4% girls and 9.4% do not plan to have children. 70.9% of young people are for civil marriage, while 63.9% of girls do not even think about such a variant of the relationship. At the onset of an unplanned pregnancy, 50% of girls and 54.8% of young students noted that they exclude the option of interruption pregnancy. The most popular method of contraception in 100% of young men is 63% of girls are condoms. 33 (38.4%) of girls prefer to use contraceptives pills. When choosing a method of contraception, the decisive factor in all respondents was the reliability of the method, the absence of side effects (100% of women and 87.1% men), as well as the availability of the method (more than 90% in both groups); p>0.05. but among the interviewed 53 (61.6%) girls do not use hormonal contraception for various reasons: 34 (64.1%) are afraid of possible complications, 14 (26.4%) prefer more traditional methods, 5 (9.4%) plan a pregnancy. Only 9.7% of medical students turn to a doctor about their contraceptive behavior. The conclusion. Three-quarters of young men are loyal with regard to civil marriage, the same the number of girls have a negative opinion on this issue. Only half students of both sexes are ready to bear pregnancy in the event of unplanned offensive. Hormonal contraception, as the most reliable only 38.4% of girls use it. The overwhelming majority fears the use of this method, which may be due to lack of awareness. Low awareness of medical university students about the feasibility and clinical features of the use of various types of hormonal contraceptives dictate need for systematic provision of timely, accurate and relevant information on family planning methods in this social group from the first courses learning.

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