
Slides de cavalete | Easel slides (1978–1979) is a slide-based artwork by the Portuguese artist Ângelo de Sousa (1938–2011), composed of one-hundred colour slides. Each image was produced by capturing different proportions of red, green, and blue (RGB) lights to obtain colour gradations. The artwork was first presented in the exhibition A Fotografia como Arte/A Arte como Fotografia | Photography as Art/Art as Photography in 1979. Associated with this exhibition, documentary evidence was found during the present study providing specific instruction on how to display the artwork (possibly unknown until now). According to that documentation, the artist wanted the work to be projected on a canvas mounted in an easel with a 19th century semblance, using a slide projector. In the last two exhibitions, carried out in 2017, after the artist had passed, the work was displayed as a digital projection, without the previously mentioned sculptural components. It was considered that this deviation from the first presentation could have led to a misunderstanding of the work. Thus, an exhibition of this artwork was prepared in a room at the Library of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. This was built as an experimental laboratory, having as one of its important objectives to test the variability of the work projected with a slide projector and a digital projector, following the display setup defined by the artist. For four days, the visitors were shown the work displayed under these two distinct scenarios of presentation. The visitors were also asked to fill out a questionnaire, to capture their perception about the variance of the work. The data obtained in the questionnaire and during the exhibition reinforced the decision to expose Slides de cavalete using the original technology. The public preferred the quality and beauty of the image using the slide projector, highlighting as positive aspects more granularity and warmer hue as well as higher depth of the images. Additionally, the production process behind Slides de cavalete was studied, based on documentation discovered in the artist’s archive and on reproductions, to enrich our perception of the work, in particular the complexity of creating the sfumato effects, and to understand the impact of changing the display technology. The results obtained made it possible to identify the main steps of making these slides, and this knowledge was shared with visitors in a workshop, integrated in this experimental laboratory.


  • Colour slides are chromogenic reversal films, photographic materials composed of a polymer support and at least three superimposed emulsion layers made of cyan, magenta, and yellow dyes, respectively, dispersed in a proteinaceous matrix [3]

  • A digital image is created by light captured electronically and converted into a numeric representation, while a photographic image is captured in an emulsion layer made of gelatine and photosensitive materials [10]

  • It can be stated that the attendance of the workshop had no statistical relevance in how respondents evaluated the various parameters. This finding might indicate that, independently of the visitors being informed about the production process of the artwork, they still prefer it presented with the slide projector

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Challenges of Exhibiting Slide-Based Artworks

Slide-based artworks can be classified as time-based media since they have duration as a dimension and are dependent on technology. More information could be found, such as: (i) typed texts (that appear at the beginning and at the end of the work); (ii) hypotheses for the script (not the final script); (iii) information about the conducted tests (carried out between 11th February and 4th March 1979) and some examples of the resulting slides; (iv) schemes and notes mentioning the equipment needed to produce the slides and their precise positions; (v) shape proportion; and (vi) sketches explaining how to obtain the desired luminous gradations Based on this documentation, it can be concluded that Slides de cavalete resulted from extensive planning and experimentation. It should be highlighted that, besides being an important piece for the display of the artwork, the slide projector was essential for its production

Display Testing at FCT NOVA
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