
It is very interesting to study proverbs and sayings describing the image of a man and a woman in-nonnative Kazakh and English languages. Proverbs and sayings that describe the image of a man and a woman which are used in everyday spoken language add value to the theme of the article. In addition, the relevance of the work lies in the examination of cross-comparisons of proverbs and sayings between non-native languages. The article aims at studying proverbs and phrases in Kazakh and English that describe the appearance, character, social characteristics, and position of men and women in society. Gender is one of the most important parameters of binary opposition and social existence. The main goal of the author is to use proverbs and sayings of different peoples to determine their common understanding and differences by comparing traditions, principles of life, religion, and language with each other. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: 1) division of men and women into categories according to their position and activities in society. Reveal the linguistic image and meaning of the proverbs and sayings belonging to the category. 2) Clarify whether the words in the proverbs are given in a direct or indirect sense and determine a clear pragmatic position of a native speaker. As a result, an analysis of the article`s material using a comparison method found that the evaluation of men was higher than that of women. Finally, materials of the article revealed the androcentric property of different unrelated languages. The author used books of proverbs, sayings and phraseological phrases in the Kazakh and English languages.

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