
Research “The presence of information and communication technologies in education” is necessary, given that today the integration of these modern technologies is increasingly prevalent, especially since the pandemic, when online learning became the main or even the only way of learning. There are many other benefits that modern technology provides both in general in life and while learning and acquiring new knowledge, providing the possibility of easier and longer-lasting acquisition of knowledge. The focus of this research is to study the situation in high schools and faculties, on how to integrate information technology into the teaching and learning process, as well as to examine the degree of positive impact. The research was conducted in schools and faculties in Istok, Peja, Prizren and Presevo. Students and teachers were interviewed about the application of ICT in teaching, as well as ways of using it. Surveys of both students and teachers were conducted through an online questionnaire, using Google Forms tools. A survey of professors who teach in high schools and colleges was conducted. The questions were open-ended and close-ended. Scientific research methods such as comparative, descriptive, and statistical methods were used for the analysis of theoretical data. While the analysis of data collected through the questionnaire is presented in quantitative and qualitative form. We use the regression model to find the relation between the integration of the internet would and ICT of knowledge. In the last part, conclusions and recommendations are given, for professors, students/teachers, as well as for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Based on the collected, processed and analyzed data, we came to the conclusion that ICT is insufficiently used in our schools.

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