The aim of this article is to determine the representation of persons with disabilities (PCD) in the print media advertisements of Costa Rica during the period 2014-2016. In the first place, we analyze the advertisements on disability that have appeared in the three most widely circulated newspapers in Costa Rica, following the Fairclough’s (2003) budgets about the representation of social actors, inclusion and exclusion strategies, legitimization and explanation that are made of the PCD in the ads. We determine the actions performed by the PDC in the analyzed texts, the relationships with other people that appear in the announcements. Finally, from a multimodal perspective of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2001), through the visual analysis and its relation with the linguistic one, we analyzed the congruent or incongruent images that are promoted in the advertising discourse. It is concluded that there is an invisibility of this population; since the number of ads on disability is less than 0.0015% and that the speech reproduces stigmas and stereotypes from a social- assistance perspective of the PCD, even though it is the State the main advertiser of the ads.
En Costa Rica, la población con discapacidad corresponde al 10,5%, según el último censo realizado en 2011 (INEC, 2011)
The aim of this article is to determine the representation of persons with disabilities (PCD) in the print media advertisements of Costa Rica during the period 2014-2016
We analyze the advertisements on disability that have appeared in the three most widely circulated newspapers in Costa Rica, following the Fairclough’s (2003) budgets about the representation of social actors, inclusion and exclusion strategies, legitimization and explanation that are made of the PCD in the ads
En Costa Rica, la población con discapacidad corresponde al 10,5%, según el último censo realizado en 2011 (INEC, 2011). También, Madero (2012) resalta que las campañas de sensibilización representan la mayoría de campos publicitarios sobre el tema y cuando aparecen personas con discapacidad normalmente son pautadas por instituciones, organismos y asociaciones de personas que buscan la inclusión de las PCD, por lo que concluye que “la discapacidad está poco y mal representada en los medios de comunicación” (Madero, 2012, p.7). A raíz de la revisión bibliográfica y del interés por el discurso que se desarrolla en los anuncios publicitarios, aunado a la ausencia de investigciones sobre representación de las PCD en el discurso publicitario, surge la pregunta de cómo se representan las PCD en la prensa escrita costarricense. Con el fin de determinar dicha representación, en esta investigación se analizan, desde el análisis multimodal, los anuncios que se pautaron durante los años 2014, 2015 y 2016 en la prensa escrita costarricense
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