
2 Hitch, H. P. Y., Modern Methods of Investigating Flutter and Vibration, Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol. 68, No. 642, June 1964, pp. 357-373. 3 Rauscher, M., Station Function and Air Density Variations in Flutter Analysis, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 6, June 1949, pp. 345-353. 4 Schmitt, A. F., A Least-Squares Matrix Interpolation of Flexibility Influence Coefficients, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 10, Oct. 1956, p. 980. 5 Rodden, W. P., Further Remarks on Matrix Interpolation of Flexibility Influence Coefficients, Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 11, Nov. 1959, pp. 760-761. 6 Rodden, W. P. and Revell, J. D., Influence Coefficients from Slender Wing Theory, Rept. NA-57-1437, Sept. 1957, North American Aviation Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 Rodden, W. P. and Revell, J. D:, Status of Aerodynamic Influence Coefficients, Rept. TDR-930(2230-09)TN-2, Nov. 22, 1961, Aerospace Corp., El Segundo, Calif. 8 Andrew, L. V., et al., Unsteady Aerodynamics for Advanced Configurations, FDL-TDR-64-152, Pt. I, II, and IV, May 1965, Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. 9 Kordes, E. E., Kruszewski, E. T., and Weidman, D. J., Experimental Influence Coefficients and Vibration Modes of a Built-Up 45° Delta-Wing Specimen, TN 3999, May 1957, NACA. 10 Rodden, W. P., A Method for Deriving Structural Influence Coefficients from Ground Vibration Tests, AIAA Journal, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1967, pp. 991-1000. 11 McGrew, J. A., Orthogonalization of Measured Modes and Calculation of Influence Coefficients, AIAA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1969, pp. 774-776. Reply by Authors to W. P. Rodden, J. A. McGrew, and T. P. Kalman

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