
Here the author presents a sequentially yet nonlinearly organized collage of previously published writing, curated under the title “Replication Crisis: Framing Science for Untold Crimes.” The collage is composed entirely of quotations. Here, a thesis-driven expository regime is replaced with open-ended discursive potential. The excerpts include assessments of the replication crisis in science; discussions of p values and their centrality in the crisis; reviews and analysis of recent scientific hoaxes, “sting” operations, and/or fraudulent studies (some attempting to delegitimize poststructuralist, postmodernist, and feminist critiques of science); discussions of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and Wittgensteinian language games; and quotations from contemporary social theory and literature. The collage, as an experiment, offers readers an opportunity for re-contextualization through their own associative sense-making. Readers determine what is important information, what might be fruitfully compared and contrasted, and how discourses come to “mean.”

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