
The Romanian Constitution, in art. 1 parag. 3, states that fundamental constitutional values such as human dignity, citizen rights and liberties, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism are to be understood through the spirit of the Romanian democratic traditions. Thus, working with traditions, we have to seek constitutional identity signs in the past, in order to see, in a wider analytical and institutional background, what defines the political identity of the Romanian people as a whole and as individuals (citizenship can be discussed in paradox terms). Such an academic endeavor can successfully turn into a book subject, considering its complexity and its inter, intra and pluri scientific field connections. In the limits of a research article, we will briefly explore the constitutional history of pre- and modern Romania (which is mainly a history of constitutional transplant). One of the aimed purposes of the paper is to discover the Romanian individual that constitutes the soul or matrix of the national state or to see if a Constitution really constitute constitutional identity.

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