
Though infrequent, parotid fistula, when it does occur, presents a challenging problem in management. This is so especially if one desires to maintain the function of the gland rather than resort to its ablation by either surgical or radiological means. The literature of the past 25 years includes relatively few papers on this subject. The treatment recommended in these falls conveniently into the following categories: Irradiation of the parotid gland Surgical treatment Use of an intraductal dowel Silkworm gut, horse hair, silk, etc. Metals * Ureteral catheters † Excision of fistula Interruption of auriculotemporal nerve Since the secretory component of the parotid gland is relatively sensitive to roentgen rays, only small doses are necessary to obtain temporary suppression of function. However, large doses are required to produce an absolute destruction of secretory activity,‡ such as would be necessary in a patient with complete

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