
The literature on the subject of deafness continues to increase annually so that this review assumes a corresponding increase in its length. Many excellent papers have been excluded for reasons of space. We continue to have the cooperation of Dr. Portmann for the French, Dr. Bozzi for the Italian, Dr. Szpunar for the Polish and Russian, and Dr. Pick for the German and some of the English literature. The material has been arranged in the following order: Otosclerosis; Meninere's disease; Tympanoplasty; Toxic Labyrinthitis; Noise Deafness; The Ear in Head Trauma; Deafness in Children; Presbycusis; Miscellaneous Papers on Deafness; Medical Treatment of Deafness; Tinnitus; Vertigo; Intracranial Tumors; Vestibular Tests; Anatomy of the Ear, and Physiology of the Ear. Otosclerosis Histological examination of skin from the cheeks, neck, and external auditory meatus of a series of otosclerosis patients of all ages revealed marked capillary dilatation, progressive degeneration of the papillae, unnoteworthy dilatation

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