
The article summarizes some aspects of the current state of wind energy and outlines possible development prospects. Attention is focused on the requirements of Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU "On integrated pollution prevention and control" and Directive 2010/75/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on industrial emissions (integrated prevention and control of pollution) and compliance with these conditions of the industrial policy of Ukraine . The current state of wind energy is considered, as a significant factor in countering global climate changes and improving the general state of energy security in the world, Europe and Ukraine. Prospects for the further development of wind energy are summarized. Territories of Ukraine, which are characterized by the highest wind energy potential and have favorable conditions for the production of electricity by wind power plants, are highlighted. It was noted that the use of RES is one of the main priorities of energy development for most developed countries. Wind energy is widely available and one of the cheapest sources among RES for the production of electricity in the world. Wind energy occupies the second place in the structure of RES after solar and is characterized by the fastest development of technologies and intensive growth of installed capacities due to the constant development of science and technology, which leads to increased availability, development of a wide range of equipment, as well as a decrease in costs for their production and exploitation. The world experience of implementing low-power wind and solar energy technologies, which can be used to increase the energy autonomy of enterprises, shows that the main advantages of their use, first of all, are the reduction of the ecological burden on the environment compared to traditional methods of obtaining electrical energy, due to the avoidance of emissions of harmful substances (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, greenhouse gases), as well as the almost complete absence of waste.

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