
Passive ocean color remote sensing has revolutionized our ability to quantify the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton across the ocean surface. Lidar technology can provide remotely sensed estimates of the vertical distribution of optical properties and suspended particles in natural waters, significantly improving our ability to model upper ocean biogeochemical processes. In this study, we constructed and deployed a ship-based lidar system to measure laser backscattering and linear depolarization profiles in the coastal Mid-Atlantic ranging from estuarine to oceanic conditions, and across the Gulf of Maine (GoM). The instrument identified layers with different backscattering intensity in stratified waters of the coastal Mid-Atlantic and produced system attenuation coefficients (Ksys) approximating the absorption coefficient (apg) of particulate + dissolved matter. The linear depolarization ratio was strongly related to in situ measurements of the particulate backscattering ratio (bbp/bp). Measurements of Ksys and linear depolarization made across the GoM corresponded well with simultaneous in situ observations performed aboard the M/V Nova Star and by an autonomous glider deployed along the transect. The relationship between Ksys and apg differed between sampling schemes, likely due to differences in the deployment geometries (e.g., height, nadir angle). These results support the proposition that ship-based lidar systems can provide a powerful tool for remotely measuring the vertical distributions of optical properties and geochemical constituents (e.g., particles) in the upper ocean. Continued development of compact lidar systems for deployment on ships, moorings, and autonomous platforms has the potential to greatly improve the quality and scope of a variety of oceanographic investigations.

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