
Purpose: This paper aims to propose the delimitation of the historic center of Feira de Santana from the identification of the initial urban fabric, since some of the old hovels were demolished and others had their facades altered. Theoretical framework: with a theoretical framework I tried to approximate geoprocessing practices with studies of historic centers. Since no work was found that studied historic centers from these remote sensing techniques. Method/design/approach: To identify the historic center, georeferencing of historic map was used as a function of the SPOT 05 image, then object-oriented (OBIA) classification was applied, since the spectral responses of old roofs differ from the roofs of newer buildings. Results and conclusion: The statistical performance of the classifier was excellent, in addition to the high spatial correlation with the historical map, based on this, it was possible to propose the delimitation of the polygonal of the historical center of the Feirense municipality, not only based on the visual interpretation, but also on the statistical parameters. Research implications: This work does not seek to exhaust the discussions regarding this historic center, but to suggest the first delimitation polygon for the municipality of Feira de Santana. Originality/value: It is intended to propose a new technique for delimiting historic centers, emphasizing that this method is not valid for all municipalities, but for those that have sociocultural characteristics similar to Feira de Santana.

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