
The authors of the article conducted a study of the issue of remote participation of members of the dissertation council and other participants in the defense of the dissertation for the degree. The article shows the evolution of legal regulation (since 2014), analyzes numerous local regulations of organizations that have received the right to independently award academic degrees on the use of remote interaction using electronic technologies since 2016. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the “emergency” legal regulation in terms of dissertation defense, which arose in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the introduction of restrictions aimed at preventing its spread. The authors note the need to continue the regulatory consolidation of the procedure for remote (remote) participation of some members of the dissertation council and other persons, taking into account of the accumulated experience of using electronic technologies for conducting dissertation defenses. It is proposed to continue the detailed development of the dissertation defense procedure with the use of a remote mode is proposed, which allows to ensure the publicity, publicity, and collegiality of the defense. © 2021.

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