
The analysis of emotional processes can generate new perceptions about historical times if it is performed according to the categories proposed at the beginning and end of the twentieth century by Husserl, Heidegger and Carr, based on recollections, protentions, and based on the analysis of discourse (construction of textual, emotional macroforms). It is proposed here to analyze a specific emotion to study its possibilities, the fear, because it presents, depending on the culture of the body, an endless operational and thematic ductility, whose understanding, however, due to the complexity and diverse rhythms of the linked temporal configurations to him, acquires historical verisimilitude in a specific social space, emotional communities, also variable. In this way, it is possible to project analytically, for example, the derivative fears, those that come with rememorations, with broader configurations of time, on different scales of duration, which are constantly moving, opening time to the past, transforming and, therefore, modifying the central axis of analysis that is always privileged. This generates in the work historiografico a specific and specific rationality with respect to the way in which the time is worked by the historian and its development in the studied subject.

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