
Large and small volume rhyolites are generated in calderas and rift zones, inheriting older and isotopically diverse crystal populations from their volcanic predecessors. Low-δ18O values in many of these rhyolites suggest that they were derived from the remelting of solid, hydrothermally altered by meteoric water protoliths that were once close to the surface, but become buried by caldera collapse or rifting. These rhyolites persist for millions of years in these environments with little evidence of coeval basalts. We present a series of numerical experiments on convective melting of roof-rocks by the underplated by near liquidus to superheated silicic melts, generated at the base of the chamber by basaltic intrusions in shallow crustal conditions. We used a range of temperatures and compositions, an appropriate phase diagram with a defined extended eutectic zone appropriate for these environments, varied sill thickness, viscosity of the boundary layer, and considered hydrothermal and lower boundary heat losses. The goal was to estimate melting rates and mechanisms, define conditions that are required for efficient and rapid remelting in the upper crust, quantitatively describe novel details of the dynamics of convecting melting, and compare it to the earlier parametric and numerical treatments of roof melting by underplating. Resolution of numerical experiments allowed us to track mixed thermal and two-phase plume-like convection in silicic magma with a bulk viscosity of 104.5–105.5Pas. The following results were obtained: (1) remarkably fast melting/magma generation rates of many meters per year, (2) intrinsic inhomogeneities in the roof accelerates convection and melting rates via rapid gravitational settling of refractory blocks and exposing detachment scars to the melting front, (3) due to rapid melting, hydrothermal heat loss through the roof, and conductive heat dissipation through the bottom are less important on melting timescales. (4) Convective melting is capable of digesting cold roof-rocks, with high assimilation degrees, which are primarily controlled by sill thickness and roof-rock temperature: thin 10m sills are able to digest 40% of the initially hot roof-rock T=650°C roof-rock, but>100m sills achieve the same level of bulk digestion with T=400°C roof-rocks. The proposed model can explain the origin of hot (above 800–850°C), crystal-poor, “recycled” rhyolites in calderas and rift zones. It can also explain the generation of large, supervolcanic rhyolite volumes through remelting of their erupted and subvolcanic predecessors on rapid timescales, dictated by their zoned and disequilibrium crystalline cargo.

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