
The circumpolar location of the Arctic region and the unity of its natural environment substantiates the need for the formation of unified approaches towards its protection, which is complicated by the differences in the legal systems of the Arctic Council member-states. Moreover, a growing number of non-Arctic countries claim to implement their scientific, economic or other activities in the region, which necessitates the creation of a single legal regime aimed at environmental protection in the region. Despite the negative changes in environmental situation of the Artic that took place in recent decades, the region still has the unique potential of flora and fauna resources, the conservation of which is one of the priority tasks. With regard to the living resources of the Arctic, the formation of unified approaches in the legislation of the Arctic states towards their conservation and use should be carried out in several directions, among which is the legal protection of ecosystems and individual species, rational use of natural resources and traditional natural resource management of the indigenous population, development of the comprehensive system of environmental monitoring, and control over the advancement of Arctic tourism. Despite certain difficulties that currently exist on the intergovernmental level, the problems of environmental protection of the Arctic zone, the solution of which due to its circumpolar location and single natural space determines the sustainable development of the Arctic Council member-states, would contribute to strengthening of cooperation and adoption of concerted decisions, including on the legislative level and formation of a single legal space in the region in the indicated sphere.

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