
Medical education is extremely important. Knowledge of English is essential to pursue medical education. Therefore, policymakers and educators usually focus on English for Specific Purposes (medical English in this context). The present paper studies the relevance of infographics, collages, and videos in teaching medical English in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The paper elicits insights and inputs from the latest socio-cultural and pedagogic perspectives across the globe by researching the sheer possibility of cognitive development and learning medical English through the integration of infographics, collages, and videos. The paper also sheds light on medical classrooms where the learners have had very limited exposure to English. As a result, technology could be one of the motivational and teaching-learning strategies. The objectives were to elicit the perceptions of medical English teachers on the relevance of infographics, collages, and videos and to explore the possible effect of multimedia on the learning of medical English. The research question is: what is the significance of multimedia (infographics, collages, videos) in teaching-learning medical English. The teacher sample was selected from the applied college, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This study was qualitative-exploratory, as the data was elicited from interview questions. Later, responses were coded to do thematic analysis. Multimedia (infographics, collages, and videos) was found useful and effective in learning medical English. Medical teachers should incorporate such tools to make the learning process easier for target learners. Professors of medical subjects, i.e., Anatomy or physiology should also integrate such tools for better learning outcomes.

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